Cover Characteristics: Book Covers featuring Disability

Cover Characteristics: Book Covers featuring Disability

I've been wanting to do this post for a while since I talk a lot about disability in books on my blog and have the list of sci-fi/fantasy books with disability and everything, but let me tell you, there are NOT a lot of book covers out there that show any sort of visible disability on them. Especially sci-fi/fantasy books, which is what I like to focus on. A lot of disabilities are invisible, and...
Bookish Musings: I Want More Books about… Disability & Medical Needs in Post-Apoc Worlds

Bookish Musings: I Want More Books about… Disability & Medical Needs in Post-Apoc Worlds

I put the ellipses in the title because I'm going to make this a new kinda sporadic feature. Meaning I plan to do at least a few other posts about things I want more books about. I think it'll be fun :-) Anyway... In all my posts and conversations with everyone about disability in books, I have realized there is a subgenre that seriously needs to exist: people with disabilities and special...
Book Recs: 10 Lesser-Known Sci-Fi/Fantasy Books with Disabled Characters

Book Recs: 10 Lesser-Known Sci-Fi/Fantasy Books with Disabled Characters

In an effort to spread more awareness of disabilities and the books that feature them, I've decided to join the Disability Diaries event and to share with you all ten science fiction and fantasy books featuring disabled characters! I know this is similar to the list I just introduced on Monday, but I wanted a chance to actually spotlight some of the books I've read and others that sound...
Cover Characteristics: Book Covers featuring Zombies

Cover Characteristics: Book Covers featuring Zombies

So I seem to be on a bit of a zombie kick lately, reading and adding to my TBR quite a few books that have zombies as main characters or love interests, and even some that have the more stereotypical, shambling, post-apocalyptic kind of zombies. I've never been a huge fan of zombies, even though I have started giving their books more of a chance, but that doesn't mean I can't be a fan of their...
Cover Characteristics: Book Covers featuring Skulls

Cover Characteristics: Book Covers featuring Skulls

Alright, guys, I admit I had to throw this post together rather quickly, so I didn't get to look through a whole lot of covers, but I'm still pretty happy with what I found. I ended up reusing a few that I've used for other topics, but, in my defense, they really are great covers, so they deserve to be used more than once! And I love when we get topics that are perfect for urban fantasy books, so...