Bookish Tag Post: Book Title Book Tag

Bookish Tag Post: Book Title Book Tag

I found this tag at Dinasoaur, the original is from the ReadingRealm booktube channel, and it seemed like a really good one since you don't have to have read any of the same books or even have the same taste as any other readers/bloggers in order to have fun with it. It's just all about titles! And I stuck mostly to titles of books I've read since I would've had too much choice and gotten...
Book Review: The Moonlight Market by Aidee Ladnier

Book Review: The Moonlight Market by Aidee Ladnier

When Cory's sister runs off to the Moonlight Market with only a note to tell him she's leaving, Cory is worried and immediately sets out to find her, but the Market is a big place, and he feels lost and alone. When he runs into Sanderson, his recent one (or two) time fling as well as a performer at the Market, he clings to him for help. But Sanderson wants more than just sex, and he thinks...
The Weekly Update: 10/30/16

The Weekly Update: 10/30/16

So... I've got a few random/awesome/interesting things to share with you all this week! First of all, I don't even understand technology. Remember about a month I told you all that the tap-to-click on my keyboard stopped working? Well... it's working again! Don't ask me how or why because I have no clue. Though I might just turn it off since I got used to clicking without it, and my fingers are...