Xie and his friends want to fight for animals rights and environmental activism, but it's difficult when they're still in high school, and Xie is still on probation after getting caught freeing minks. And when Xie finds the skeleton of a saint, he finds it hard not to be distracted by the pull he feels to...
Posts with Tag: The Seventh Mansion
It's time for another book tag, and this looked like a great one because it's not about specific books and has a lot of questions that make for good discussion. Just to clarify, "in" means I like the thing, "out" means I dislike it. Please keep in mind my answers are just about my taste, and everyone should enjoy what they like and do what they want with their own books! The original is...
I'm back with more first lines of books! As I have said many times, I don't think the first line is the most important. I don't think most people are going to stop reading if the first line isn't amazing. But I still think it can be fun and interesting to look at them. And I think an interesting one presented without context in a post like this might grab someone's attention enough to try a book....
I cut my hair! (And bought a pirate shirt!) That's my big October news. I also made some art! I bought Rebelle 5 Pro because it was on sale for $20 (normally $150) and mimics traditional media like watercolor and oil paint. I can't use traditional media because it takes energy, money, and space that I don't have, so this has been fun to play with! I love the idea of controlled randomness like...
In honor of spooky season, I decided to gather up some book covers with skeletons! If you regularly follow my blog, you may have seen a lot of these already, since I'm using a bunch of books I've read and a couple that I've used in other cover posts, like this Halloween Book Covers Tag, but there are a few new ones as well. There are lots of hand bones and skulls, but also a few full...