Book Review: Gravity Lost (Ambit’s Run Book 2) by L.M. Sagas [Audiobook]

When a new problem arises, Jal reluctantly turns to the Ambit crew for help, even though he doesn't want them mixed up in trouble too. But they find themselves in the middle of a bigger mystery than they realized.

Book Cover - Gravity Lost by L.M. Sagas
Title: Gravity Lost
Book Number: Book 2
Pages: 392
My Rating: 4 Stars
More Info: Goodreads // Amazon // Publisher


I loved the first book, and if I’m being honest, this one just wasn’t as strong for me. It felt like it was less focused on the characters and relationships, and more focused on mystery solving and action and plot, and the character development/growth that was there felt a little forced sometimes. I still wanted to review this though because it was still a good book with space adventure and found family and lovable characters, and I definitely plan to keep reading (or listening to) the series, and, well, I don’t like skipping series books in my reviews 😅

I listened to the audiobook, and the narrator, Torian Brackett, was once again wonderful! Different voices, always natural and fitting the scene/emotion. I recommend it.

Overall, I just don’t have much to say about this one, but I’m looking forward to more because I love these characters and am very interested to see how their relationships grow.

*Rating: 4 Stars // Read Date: 2024 // Format: Audiobook*


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2 thoughts on “Book Review: Gravity Lost (Ambit’s Run Book 2) by L.M. Sagas [Audiobook]

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  1. Roberta R.

    Second-book syndrome is often very real, so I guess this was just a case of “let’s abandon world-and-character-building for a moment while we up the stakes when it comes to the action”….