Book Review: Running Close to the Wind by Alexandra Rowland [Audiobook]

Avra has accidentally stolen government secrets, so he flees to the sea and ends up asking his sorta ex, who is a pirate captain but is not at all happy to see him, for help. They make a plan to sell the info, but between a sexy new crew member, a nosy ambassador looking for the thief, and horny sea serpents, shenanigans ensue.

Book Cover - Running Close to the Wind by Alexandra Rowland
Title: Running Close to the Wind
Pages: 486
My Rating: 4 Stars
More Info: Goodreads // Amazon // Publisher


This was such a fun and silly book! The kind that’s not particularly realistic, but who cares, because it makes you laugh.

Avra is the kind of character who is so fun to read about but would be insufferable in real life. Or maybe not. He’s ridiculous, but he’s a decent person who treats people with respect. So he’d probably be alright, as long as you weren’t in a no-bullshit mood. Unfortunately for Avra, Teveri’s only mood seems to be no-bullshit. At first I couldn’t understand why Teveri would even sleep with Avra, not because of any inherent unfuckability, just because their personalities did not seem to line up. But then I realized Teveri, though tough and badass, is ridiculous too, and they’re actually perfect for each other. And then there was Julian, who was smart and pretty unflappable and appreciated them both and was sort of the bridge they needed.

This isn’t a romance though, and despite lots of talk about sex (these characters really love it), I don’t think there were any actual sex scenes (just off-page). But there’s attraction and admiration and horniness and feelings and sometimes off-page sex and whatever unique relationships these three have with each other.

The story revolves around pirates trying to figure out a formula that keeps ships safe during sea serpent mating season, a government secret, so the crew can sell it. But the plot is mostly a vessel for shenanigans. There’s also a pirate cake competition! Not pirate cakes, pirates making cakes. And going around insulting everyone else’s cakes. (But the scene that made me laugh the hardest was Avra shouting, “Captain!” and Oskar screaming.)

I did have a small issue with the ending though. I feel like it would’ve been more satisfying with even just one more scene. I didn’t so much mind some things being left in the air (they’re sort of implied and not really necessary to this story that was being told), it was just that, well, *SPOILER* part of the story was about Avra and Julian wanting each other, and then we didn’t even get to see them kiss! Or know how things went with the trio once Julian’s oath was broken. And as I said above, Julian helped the two of them bridge their gaps, so does that continue? In the bedroom? Out of the bedroom? What is the dynamic now? Even just one scene, or extending the last scene a little longer, could’ve given a hint of it. And I don’t mean it had to be a sex scene, just any scene. *END SPOILER* Unless perhaps this was just the first in a series? I do think it’s fine as a standalone though.

This was a queernormative world. At least two of the three main characters are bi/pan, and one of them is nonbinary.

This is actually set in the same world as A Taste of Gold and Iron, but you don’t need to be familiar with that one. This doesn’t relate in any way, and the world-building from that one isn’t even relevant here.

The audiobook, narrated by Casey Jones, was great. I actually forgot sometimes that it was just one person doing all the voices. He did such a great job with all of them. Everything sounded natural as well and had the right personality and emotion.

That’s about it! Ridiculous characters, lots of humor and horniness, and a fun story overall!

*Rating: 4 Stars // Read Date: 2024 // Format: Audiobook*


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