Graphic Novel Review: Yagi the Bookshop Goat by Fumi Furukawa

In a world of animal people, the one thing Yagi wants most in life is to work in a bookshop, but no one will hire him because he's a goat, and goats are known for eating the books. But he's finally gotten his dream job, even if it means working in the carnivore zone, and the owner is a scary wolf but also protective and kind.

Book Cover - Yagi the Bookshop Goat by Fumi Furukawa
Title: Yagi the Bookshop Goat
Pages: 194
My Rating: 4 Stars
More Info: Goodreads // Amazon // Publisher


*I received an ecopy of this book from the publisher. This has not influenced my review.*

I really enjoyed this! The idea was fun. The story was funny and adorable. The art was lovely. The characters, both their designs and their personalities, were so cute. The weakest spot was the writing, in the sense that dialogue and thoughts felt a bit stilted or unnatural at times, but the rest made up for it.

I loved the idea of a fantasy world full of different animal people and a goat with the special ability to taste the story within a book working in a bookshop and struggling not to eat all the books. It was his dream to work in a bookshop, the poor guy, he couldn’t help it that books were also so tasty. I also liked how his ability extended to other pieces of paper too, and he could taste the emotions or motivations of the people who wrote on them.

The art was so cute and pretty. I especially liked the look of hair and hands and Yagi’s big, expressive eyes. And seeing designs for different types of animals with their little ears or horns or hairstyles was fun.

The characters were so lovable! Yagi was so cute and oblivious and determined. Ookami (the love interest) was protective and kind. I wasn’t sure about Shimafukurou at first, but after he brought Yagi out to the bar, I loved him. (I loved the difference in his and Kuma’s faces in that scene, how Kuma was sweating and blushing and feeling so awkward, and meanwhile Shimafukurou looked so delighted to be getting the juicy details.)

The story and romance (which was the main focus) were cute too, and sweet. There were also some steamy scenes.

As I said above, the weakest spot was the writing. Dialogue, thoughts, and occasionally progressions from one thing to another (conversations, events) felt kind of stiff, or I felt a bit confused for a moment like there were some steps missing. But it didn’t ruin the cuteness or my enjoyment.

Overall, this was an adorable little story that made me laugh and smile!

*Rating: 4 Stars // Read Date: 2022 // Format: Ebook*


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