Another month gone by. For some reason I keep thinking it’s June? I’ve acquired some allergies(?) and new aches and pains to add to the list of health problems, none of which are serious, but they still suck, and they’re conflicting with other problems, but I’m still chuggin’ along.
I’ve worked on some art (which isn’t ready to share yet) and played some games! It hasn’t been good for my headaches, but I’ve needed the distraction, so I’ve been taking lots of acetaminophen.
I played Afterparty. The actual gameplay element was a little lacking, but it was fun in other ways with really fun graphics and backgrounds and drink choices.
I also played Mutazione. It was super chill and gorgeous with lots of nature, and you basically just talk to people and plant gardens and enjoy the story.
I also also played The World Next Door. I LOVED all the character designs, they were so fun and cool, and I’m so glad they had a mode to basically skip combat so that I (someone who does not do real-time combat) could enjoy the art and story and puzzles.
I tried playing Hue, and it’s a really cool game, but too stressful for me. I’d recommend it for others who like that kinda thing though. I think it’s like a platformer?
In case anyone doesn’t know, the Epic Games launcher gives away free games every week or two, so check that out if you want free games!
I’ve been listening to lots of Dungeons and Daddies and am almost caught up. If you still haven’t checked it out, you should because it is a hilarious and fast-paced D&D play podcast about four dads having to save their kids from another realm.
I’ve also been listening to some music. For some reason, speedpaints on YouTube have the best songs, and I have a whole playlist of them, so here are some of the songs I’ve been loving lately, plus some great speedpaints you can watch!
I don’t really have anything to share other than that. I hope everyone is staying well and getting vaccinated against Covid if you’re able to <3
Blog/Bookish Updates:
To be honest, I haven’t had the physical or mental energy to do much blogging. I’m trying to do one review a week, and sometimes a discussion or other type of post too. But I don’t have any reviews made yet for this week, so we’ll see what happens.
Books I Received for Review:
I got Too Young to Die in the Garden of Syn by Michael Seidelman from the author, and you can see my quick thoughts below since I’ve already read it!
Books I Finished:
Again, I have too many headaches to link to all the books’ Amazon pages (or to display all their covers), so if you’re considering buying one, I’d really appreciate if you’d use my affiliate link to get there!
Everything I read this month was good! The one that stood out most was The Dichotomy of Angels, but I enjoyed all these books, even if they didn’t all leave a huge impression.
Leather & Lace by Magen Cubed – I struggled with the POV hopping in this one, but it had a fun story and interesting vampire culture.
An Echo in the Sorrow by Hailey Turner – A super action-packed book in a great urban fantasy series.
Smut Peddler Presents: My Monster Boyfriend – I’ve wanted to read this forever, and I finally did! I didn’t love every story, but some were great, and I liked most of the art. (I’ll be getting Smut Peddler Presents: Silver in the mail soon, so I’m looking forward to reading that one too!)
HD7: Warriors by Nicholas Sansbury Smith – Also super action-packed, in the great Hell Divers post-apoc series.
Too Young to Die in the Garden of Syn by Michael Seidelman – A satisfying finale to a twisty YA sci-fi series with wonderful disability rep.
Smash & Grab by Maz Maddox – A fun dino shifter romance.
The Dichotomy of Angels by N.R. Walker – A funny, fun, angsty, steamy, cute paranormal romance about angels.
Bloodlaced by Courtney Maguire – I loved the nonbinary rep in this one and also enjoyed the vampires, the Japanese setting, and the familial relationship.
In Case You Missed It:
– I ranked ten sci-fi worlds based on how much I’d want to live in them.
– I talked about how to listen to ebooks with TTS and why it’s great.
– I reviewed Strangers in the Night by E.M. Jeanmougin & Jay Wright, a fantastic urban fantasy book with a slow burn romance and a spider shifter!
I wish it was June! Well, maybe without the allergies part. Seriously- why do we have to be so vulnerable t the natural world? It’s like a love/ hate thing. 🙂
I’ve fallen down the rabbit hole of games and visual novels lately. I found one called Subserial Network and while I’m not sure the game is for me, I’m digging the music.
art and music go so well together 🙂
Right? If we could just fast forward or skip ahead, that’d be great. Ugh, I never knew allergies were so miserable.
Ooh yay games and VNs! I looked up Subserial Network. I don’t understand what it is, but I’m intrigued.
To be honest I don’t understand Subserial Network either! I think I read the description twice and was still confused! the music was cool though 🙂
I just read a different description, and it sounds kinda interesting. I see there’s a whole album, the music is so chill!
I’m sorry to learn you’ve been feeling so rough this month. At least gaming has taken your mind off it a little. I like the sound of Mutazione!
Fingers crossed March will be easier going for you?
Thanks <3 Mutazione is so chill, def check it out if you like that!
“I’ve acquired some allergies(?) and new aches and pains to add to the list of health problems, none of which are serious, but they still suck, and they’re conflicting with other problems”.
The Garden of Syn series sounds great (although the middle book didn’t completely work for you).
Did you actually look at my reviews, or do you just have an incredible memory?? I’m so confused how you knew that about the middle book lol.
Oh man, my allergies have been awful lately. I started taking an over the counter allergy medicine.
Ugh it is terrible. I need to try some meds, I just worry they’ll make me sleepy, and I’m already always tired.
I hope you are getting some relief and glad to hear you are doing some art and finding some fun in gaming.
Sorry you’ve been sick. I’m really happy I don’t have any allergies. I know they make people miserable. Have a great March!
They really are miserable, I didn’t know they were this bad! Thanks 🙂
lol That’s funny that it feels like June to you. I developed allergies in my late 30’s which was weird. I’m glad you’re finding some good books and games. My reading is finally (but slowly) picking up some.
Karen @ For What It’s Worth
Time has no meaning anymore lol. Ugh these allergies or whatever they are are HORRIBLE. I’m going the opposite way, my reading is slowing, but I’m glad you’re getting back into it!
Glad to see that you were able to stay entertained making art and with games and podcast despite not feeling well! Can’t wait to see that art when you are ready to share it!
Thanks <3