Mini Reviews: The Vampire’s Club Series – Books 2-4


In The Vampires Club Book 2, Lucas starts his new job at the vampire club, that he still doesn’t know is a vampire club, and Konstantin continues to try and figure out how to keep Lucas nearby and safe without exposing the truth of what he is. In The Vampire’s Club Book 3, the story of Konstantin’s turning is revealed, and he attempts to keep Lucas a secret from the vampire who exiled him when he comes for a visit. In The Vampire’s Club Book 4, Lucas’s situation with his step-father escalates, so the vampires try to figure out how to keep him safe. Enjoy my mini reviews for these three books in the Vampire’s Club series!

The Vampire's Club Book 2 by X. Aratare

Book Cover - The Vampire's Club Book 2 by X. Aratare
Title: The Vampire's Club Book 2
Author: X. Aratare
Book Number: Book 2
Pages: 95
Rating: 3.5 stars

Here is my Vampire's Club spoiler-free series review, since these books are not individual stories but rather one story split up, which made individual reviews a bit hard.

I didn't really get into the story until Book 3 since the first two books were short and just setting things up, but this was how I felt about Book 2 after reading it...

Once again, this is hard to rate on its own because of how this was only a sliver of a story. I feel like this overall story is moving very slowly, since Book 1 was roughly 90 pages of Lucas going to Dyavol and getting the job, then Book 2 was another 90 pages or so of him going back and meeting Konstantin again. The writing is decent, I have no issues with anything so far, but nothing is super hooking me yet.

*Rating: 3.5 Stars // Read Date: 2020 // Format: eBook*

Recommended For:
Anyone who likes vampires, witches, mlm paranormal romance, drama, complex relationships, and found family.


The Vampire's Club Book 3 by X. Aratare

Book Cover - The Vampire's Club Book 3 by X. Aratare
Title: The Vampire's Club Book 3
Author: X. Aratare
Book Number: Book 3
Pages: 146
Rating: 4 stars

This one got so much more interesting! Konstantin's backstory about how he became a vampire. A bigger plot being started. A touch of development in the romance. Complex, fascinating relationships among Konstantin, Marius, and Arsene. Marius on his knees, sucking blood from Arsene's thumb. *fans self* (That was hotter than the actual sex scene in the previous book. It was so good.) A twist being hinted at that ought to make things even more complex and interesting. I especially loved learning about those relationships. Familial, but also decidedly not familial in some ways. Conflicting feelings of care and devotion but also jealousy, anger, and pain. Anyway, the pace is still slow, but the story is definitely getting more intricate and interesting.

*Rating: 4 Stars // Read Date: 2020 // Format: eBook*

Recommended For:
Anyone who likes vampires, witches, mlm paranormal romance, drama, complex relationships, and found family.


The Vampire's Club Book 4 by X. Aratare

Book Cover - The Vampire's Club Book 4 by X. Aratare
Title: The Vampire's Club Book 4
Author: X. Aratare
Book Number: Book 4
Pages: 150
Rating: 4 stars

I'm starting to really love the relationships and dynamics of this vampire society, and especially the little found family Konstantin has created. I've also come to really love Lizzy! She's an interesting, lovable character. She has a kind of agoraphobia, or perhaps just a fear of men, after being sexually abused as a kid, so she never leaves the upstairs apartment area of the club. She's also an 80-something-year-old vampire trapped in a 12-year-old's body. But she's started leaving her comfort zone for Lucas, because she likes him and trusts him and can tell he's good. And because she's good too. I also liked that this touched on the topic of how people will choose to believe bad people over the victim in a situation, even if the victim is someone they know wouldn't lie like that, simply because they don't like the truth. This one lacked the complex relationships that I found so interesting in the previous book, and the story is still very slow-moving (these four books have only covered the span of three nights, though it kinda feels like more, especially with how relationships are forming and changing), but I'm still enjoying this series and am hooked now.

Trigger/Content Warnings: On-page sexual assault (a forced kiss).

*Rating: 4 Stars // Read Date: 2020 // Format: eBook*

Recommended For:
Anyone who likes vampires, witches, mlm paranormal romance, drama, complex relationships, and found family.


Talk to me!

Have you read any of these books in the Vampire's Club series?
Have you ever read a serial or series that was more like one long story rather than individual connected ones?
Do you like complex sire relationships in vampire books?


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