In The Vampire's Club Book 5, having made the decision to move into Club Dyavol, Lucas starts trying to settle in, but an encounter with some witches makes him start to question his world. In The Vampire's Club Book 6, Lucas experiences Club Dyavol through new eyes, now knowing the truth about witches and vampires, but some of those witches and vampires would hurt Lucas for their own goals. In...
A few years ago, I made a blog post with recommendations for lesser-known m/m vampire books, and I'm finally back with more! Sometimes when I do rec posts, I include books that weren't really for me because books are subjective and other people may still enjoy them. But so far, with this topic, I've been able to recommend books I personally liked or loved. For some of these books, I mention...
In The Vampires Club Book 2, Lucas starts his new job at the vampire club, that he still doesn't know is a vampire club, and Konstantin continues to try and figure out how to keep Lucas nearby and safe without exposing the truth of what he is. In The Vampire's Club Book 3, the story of Konstantin's turning is revealed, and he attempts to keep Lucas a secret from the vampire who exiled him when he...
A young man named Lucas goes job hunting and is urged by an unseen force to go to Club Dyavol. Unbeknownst to him, it's a vampire club that shouldn't even be visible to him at all, but Lucas may not be entirely human himself, and his meeting with the vampire Konstantin will change his life...
I did a post with opening lines before, and I'm doing it again because I just think it's really interesting to look at the opening lines of books! I don't know about you all, but I tend to just kind of gloss over the first line, in a way, and immediately forget it by the time I'm a few sentences deep. I don't really stop to pay attention to just the opening line specifically when I'm starting...
Happy New Year! Not that it's really all that happy, but standard phrases and all that. I kind of took my time getting around to this update because of headaches and general feelings of meh. As to what I've been up to for the past month, mostly just a lot of reading. (Well, listening, but you get it.) No new games or podcasts or even movies/shows, I don't think. Didn't do anything for the...
It's the end of another year, and that means it's time to do all my bookish end of the year posts! Yay! I don't do a lot of posts about book covers anymore, but I do so love a pretty cover. Good artwork and/or good, cohesive design *chef's kiss* So anyway, here are all my favorite covers from the books I read in 2020! *I did my best to find cover artists, but I just couldn't find the info for...
"Is this a kissing book?" Yes, child from The Princess Bride movie whose name I don't actually know, these are totally kissing books. Maybe. Actually I have no clue, but they do have kissing on the covers! The thing about book covers with kissing is, I don't have anything against them, I just don't tend to like the style of covers that feature this particular topic. Or rather, books with people...