Updates & Info: The Weekly Update (3)

Updates & Info: The Weekly Update (3)

This has been a really good book week for me! Well, I only finished two books, but they both made me kind of giddy because one was everything I've come to expect and more in a series I've been reading and the other was about something I love. So, you know, quality over quantity. Which was a nice change after recent books. I have a feeling the entire month of October is going to be a great book...
Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Books to Read If You Like…

Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Books to Read If You Like…

I'll be the first to admit this was not an easy Top Ten Tuesday for me because I don't read a lot of popular series. I struggled for a bit, considered recommending books based on Disney movies, considered making a list just about a genre or general topic, considered going with something relating to vampires, then finally ended up making a list with all different books (...well, plus one TV show)...
Cover Characteristics: Book Cover featuring Suitcases

Cover Characteristics: Book Cover featuring Suitcases

Isn't it funny how certain objects and topics are more common in certain genres? It seems that most book covers with suitcases and purses are chick lit and contemporary. Occasionally they're hopeful, inspiring, touching stories about a man's life and/or marriage going down the drain and how he changes as he picks himself back up in a genre that I'm not sure of (seriously, this describes two of my...
Updates & Info: The Weekly Update (2)

Updates & Info: The Weekly Update (2)

Has it been as tiring of a week for you as it's been for me? I'm having one of those weeks in which I'm so exhausted that I can hardly keep my eyes open and my brain is all fuzzy. I just typed up my thoughts on Pretties for my personal book journal and am scared to even see what I wrote given that I was in my half-asleep, rambly state. Do you ever know you're saying things that are all over the...
Book Review: The Selection (The Selection Book 1) by Kiera Cass

Book Review: The Selection (The Selection Book 1) by Kiera Cass

When America, a Five in her world where castes are everything and her caste often struggles to stay out of poverty, gets chosen for a chance to win the prince's hand in marriage, she's not just surprised, she's miserable because she already has her future planned out. But, with treason being her only other option, she leaves behind the guy she loves to compete with 34 other girls for a chance...
Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Books on my Fall TBR

Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Books on my Fall TBR

This TTT topic could not have come at a more PERFECT time. I almost never plan my books ahead of time. I read whatever I feel like reading whenever I feel like reading it. I did plan books this month because I just so happen to be doing my own Series September Reading Challenge, but that's also the reason I now have a whole list of books I didn't get to read when I stumbled upon them the past few...
Cover Characteristics: Book Covers featuring Water

Cover Characteristics: Book Covers featuring Water

So this week's topic is water. Water? WATER? WATER??? Do you even know what this topic did to me?! There are even more book covers with water than there are with keys! There are covers with boats and mermaids and beaches and storms and my poor indecision-addled mind couldn't take it! Then I got all perfectionist about how cool it was that they were almost all blue, but the shades of blue didn't...