I've already shared with you all my favorite covers and favorite characters from books I read in 2018, so that means... it's finally time to share my favorite books! I don't know why I keep calling these posts "Top Ten" when I never manage to stop at just ten. My blog is just full of lies. It sounds good as a post title though, you know? Anyway, I'm excited, as I always am for this post, because...
Posts with Tag: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
I feel like this is my most anticipated post every year. I mean, I don't know what you all anticipate, but *I* anticipate it. Book covers are my jam. Little mini works of art! So I love looking back through what I've read and finding the most gorgeous ones. I don't know if book covers have been getting prettier, or if I've just been more drawn to pretty ones since I started blogging, but wow, I...
This sounds like it's going to be a really sad or mean kinda tag, right? But don't you fret, it's actually really fun. The way it works is, you take 30 characters from books you've read, you choose two to use for each question, then you decide which is the better of the two for the answer. I tried to keep this as random as possible, so I chose the books mostly randomly by using my Goodreads...
I still haven't been feeling great. I still have eye strain. I still don't know what, if anything in particular, is causing the recent issues. I'm stressed about a lot of health-related stuff right now. I don't want to get into that. Sorry if I'm a little behind on responding to comments and visiting your blogs. In better news, I went through all the shoes in my old closet---all the boxes way at...
Don't worry, this isn't a book tag that's really long, it's just a tag about long books ;-) In fact, it's actually a really quick and simple tag! Here's what you do: 1) Make a list of the 5 longest books you've ever read 2) Select 2 of the longest books on your TBR 3) Discuss 4) Tag others Ta da! That's it. I was tagged by Wren @ For the Love of Books, the original is from Bewitchingly...
A.K.A. 10 book quotes for nyctophiles, like me! You might not know this, but I love the night. I've mentioned before that the "Moonlight" part of my blog name is actually a reference to my love for the night rather than the actual moon. I've always been a night owl. Everything---reading, watching movies, working out, driving, talking (especially talking)---is just better after the sun goes down....