This sounds like it's going to be a really sad or mean kinda tag, right? But don't you fret, it's actually really fun. The way it works is, you take 30 characters from books you've read, you choose two to use for each question, then you decide which is the better of the two for the answer. I tried to keep this as random as possible, so I chose the books mostly randomly by using my Goodreads...
To celebrate Wyrd and Wonder 2018 (a bookish/blogging fantasy event taking place during the month of May), I thought it'd be fun to make a quiz! And it's no secret that I love supernatural creatures, so what better topic? Some of these quotes are probably pretty obvious, some are more vague, some might be tricks ;-) It's hard to find quotes for something like this, and I wasn't going to sit for...
So you know how I usually choose ten covers/series for my Cover Characteristic posts? Well... Hahahahahahahahaha---Not happening this time. I don't know what happened this year, if it was just coincidence or if I started judging books more by their covers and letting myself be drawn in by all the pretty ones, but I read SO MANY books with gorgeous covers this year, and I want to share them all....
In honor of Halloween, I thought it would be fun to do a cover post about haunted houses! I've never been to a legitimate haunted house before (unless you count my parent's house since there's a ghost in the shower). I've also never been to Halloween Horror Nights or any similar event. But I have been to a few of those random, rinky-dink, fog-machine, people-in-costumes, fake-blood kinds. I'm not...
Michael is only 18 when he dies in a tragic car accident and, much to his dismay, ends up stuck on earth as a ghost. Eventually ventures away from his grieving family and finds a mentor in a ghost named Tom and love with a ghost named Sarah. But between struggling to let go of his past, being hunted by demons, nearly "joining" souls with Sarah every time they kiss (a forbidden and possibly...
I don't even know what to talk about this week. I spent my last two weekly updates talking about gymnastics, and now I got nothin'. No, really, that's it for the intro lol. You may proceed to the bookish stuff...
I almost feel like I should saving these paranormal creature topics for October since that's Halloween-time, but I suppose every month is October when you read as much paranormal and urban fantasy as I do. Speaking of ghosts though, I have a story about my very own personal ghost encounter. When I was younger, until sometime in my teenage years, I used my parent's bathroom to shower because that...