Cover Characteristics: Best Book Covers from Books I Read in 2020

Cover Characteristics: Best Book Covers from Books I Read in 2020

It's the end of another year, and that means it's time to do all my bookish end of the year posts! Yay! I don't do a lot of posts about book covers anymore, but I do so love a pretty cover. Good artwork and/or good, cohesive design *chef's kiss* So anyway, here are all my favorite covers from the books I read in 2020! *I did my best to find cover artists, but I just couldn't find the info for...
Update: Life and Books (Oct 2020)

Update: Life and Books (Oct 2020)

This post is going up on November 1st, and the US presidential election is the 3rd (though apparently there's going to be a delay for results). So depending on when you see this, I'm either very worried, very upset, or very relieved. Well, moderately relieved, at least. Fingers crossed, everybody. Now, what did I do in October? I watched (well, mostly listened to, thank you Netflix for the...
Cover Characteristics: Black, White, & Red Book Covers

Cover Characteristics: Black, White, & Red Book Covers

What's black and white and re(a)d all over? These book covers! *cricket sounds* Now that that's out of the way... I know I've used a lot of this week's covers before, but that's because they're awesome. So in your face. I know that didn't make any sense, but my brain is too hopped up on all the gorgeous redness of these covers right now for something as mundane as sense! No but really, I think we...
Cover Characteristics: Book Covers featuring Silhouettes

Cover Characteristics: Book Covers featuring Silhouettes

You don't even KNOW how tempted I was to make this week all red, white and black covers. I don't know why so many silhouette covers are those colors, but I'm sure not complaining. Anyway, this was not hard, but it still wasn't as easy as I thought it would be to find ten I really loved. Part of the problem is that there's a big overlap between this topic and book covers featuring circus, and I...
Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Traits that Make Me Love a Character

Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Traits that Make Me Love a Character

I have no idea what characters other people like or dislike, and I mostly read indie books, so this week's topic is another one of those topics that's just too difficult for me. That's why I've tweaked it! I've come to realize there are certain things that usually make me immediately start to love a character. I'm not talking the typical personality traits like brooding or sarcastic---those are...
Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Historical Fantasy Books I’ve Read

Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Historical Fantasy Books I’ve Read

This topic came at a perfect time because I've recently discovered, contrary to what I previously believed, that I really like historical fantasy. I know historical *fantasy* is not quite the same as non-fantasy historical books since they often alter the history, but I've found they still make interesting use of the settings and cultures, and it's still different than if the book had been set in...
Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Male Characters from Books I’ve Read This Year (2015)

Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Male Characters from Books I’ve Read This Year (2015)

Unlike with female characters, there never seems to be a shortage of male characters I like. I often prefer a male protag, but, even as love interests and side characters, they can be just as great. Also, I find it amusing that only 6 of the 16 characters mentioned are normal humans. Not sure if that says more about my taste in books or my taste in men ;-) Anyway, these characters deserve a...
Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Books to Read If You Like…

Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Books to Read If You Like…

I'll be the first to admit this was not an easy Top Ten Tuesday for me because I don't read a lot of popular series. I struggled for a bit, considered recommending books based on Disney movies, considered making a list just about a genre or general topic, considered going with something relating to vampires, then finally ended up making a list with all different books (...well, plus one TV show)...
Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Series I’ve Read This Year

Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Series I’ve Read This Year

I had to edit the topic a bit because I literally had NOTHING for the original. Finished series that I want to read and have started but not yet finished? What is that? What does that even mean?! I'm a binge reader! If I like a series, I'll read a book, sometimes two, a day until I finish it. I just can't help myself. Seriously, I don't understand all you people who can just take a year long...