I did a post with opening lines before, and I'm doing it again because I just think it's really interesting to look at the opening lines of books! I don't know about you all, but I tend to just kind of gloss over the first line, in a way, and immediately forget it by the time I'm a few sentences deep. I don't really stop to pay attention to just the opening line specifically when I'm starting...
Posts with Tag: Trailer Park Fae
I wasn't planning on doing this tag since I've never actually done any tags before, but I figured this would be my one and only chance since the Olympics don't last very long and won't be around for another four years... So here I am! Doing my first tag. I have to admit I don't watch many of the sports, but, since I used to be a gymnast, I am always super excited about the summer Olympics just...
I share a lot of book covers on this blog, but I also find myself noticing a lot of other bookish things like blurbs and titles, and sometimes I like to share those too. I mean, covers are not the only thing that influences my decision to buy or read a book. Titles are the first thing I see right along with the cover, and they probably have just as much influence since they often are what gives...
I feel like urban fantasy and alcoholic beverages make an oddly good combination in books, or at least on book covers. However, I couldn't actually find very *many* covers with alcoholic drinks on them that I liked. So I expanded a bit and included a couple covers that just had drinks in general. And now, since I don't have anything more to say about alcohol, I'm just going to get on with the...
Half-sidhe Jeremiah was once the Armormaster for the Queen of Summer but has spent many years trying to leave his past behind and live his life in the mortal realm as a normal, human construction worker. But when a mysterious stranger who looks like his dead wife shows up in his life being hunted by Unwinter, Jeremiah finds himself wanting to help her and gets pulled right back into the...
It's almost Christmas! Which means Santa is coming! Which means bookworms all around the world are putting the finishing touches on the list of books they want to get because, really, do we even include anything else on our lists? My book wishlist is entirely way too long, but I have somehow managed to rein ̶d̶e̶e̶r̶ it in and choose the ten I'd most love to get in paperback. You better be...
Now that 2015 is coming to an end, I really wanted to share some of the amazing book covers I have fallen in love with. But I've realized I'm kind of a bitch when it comes to book covers, and I've become one even more so as the year has gone on and I've seen more and more of them. I was going to write this whole spiel about what I do and don't like in book covers, but I've decided to save it for...
I'm pretty sure I've already talked about all these books and series roughly 27 times each this year, but what can I say? They are my favorites! They're also the books that don't get the attention they deserve---something I keep trying to change! (Some of these first in series are free on Amazon, so check 'em out!) I have had an AMAZING book year though and am keeping my fingers crossed that next...
Unlike with female characters, there never seems to be a shortage of male characters I like. I often prefer a male protag, but, even as love interests and side characters, they can be just as great. Also, I find it amusing that only 6 of the 16 characters mentioned are normal humans. Not sure if that says more about my taste in books or my taste in men ;-) Anyway, these characters deserve a...
It's officially December! It's also a high of 81 degrees F where I live today. But you won't hear me complaining! That just means I still get to go out in my flip-flops and tanktops. (Except when I go to the bookstore. Why must they keep it so freezing cold? It's not like books are going to go bad!) I don't have anything holiday-ish planned for the blog, but I am doing couple posts about my...