I've actually just been distracted by some things in my real life, but I'm still trying to get at least one meme and two book reviews posted a week until I can figure out some good discussion posts and/or some sort of feature for my blog. (And then we's gonna have some real fun, guys!)
November is Sci-Fi Month!
And it’s perfectly timed since I’m finally back in a sci-fi mood after September’s overload. Maybe I’ll also post my reviews for The Eden Trilogy by Keary Taylor since those are the best sci-fi books I’ve read all year.
Posting Reviews on Amazon?
I finally decided to post full reviews on Goodreads, but I still don’t know what to do about Amazon. Full Reviews? Short reviews? Edited reviews? What do you do?
Vampires, and Dragons, and Mers, Oh My!
I read about all three of these creatures this week, and it got me thinking, someone should totally write a book about all three. I’ve seen all sorts of supernatural creature combinations, but I have yet to see a vampire/dragon/merpeople book. Love triangle, anyone? Or maybe a team of thieves? Bromance? Doesn’t matter. I’d buy it. Screw it, if I ever finish what I’m currently working on, I’m so writing it.
Books I Finished This Week
I finally read some more books about mers and dragons! I’ve been saying I would forever. And the last mer book I read was on January 1st, so I really took my sweet time. And then I figured, what the hell, why not read about a different creature with each book this week? So then I also read about vampires and zombies.
Beneath the Waves didn’t exactly blow me away, but it was a unique take on mers. I really enjoyed Core though and will probably finish the series. I definitely want to finish the series after Bleeding Heart, but the price of the second book just went up, and $7.99 is way overpriced for a 244 page ebook. I’m torn about continuing the Sparrow Man series—it was really good but the twist in the middle changed it into the type of book that’s just not for me.
Song of the Week:
“Drunken Whaler” by COPILOT – It’s like a creepy, haunting, more disturbing version of that “What Do You Do with a Drunken Sailor” song.
In Case You Missed It:
Cover Characteristics: Book Covers featuring Dragons
3 Star Book Review: Ripper (Hunter: A Thieves Series Book 1) by Lexi Blake
4.5 Star Book Review: Addict (Hunter: A Thieves Series Book 2) by Lexi Blake
Real life can get so in the way sometimes! I’ve been attempting to be better at cross-posting my reviews to Amazon, GoodReads, and BN.com. I’m lazy, so I just do a general cut and paste.
Damn real life, getting in our way of blogging *grumble grumble* 😛
I just feel like most of my reviews are way too long for Amazon. On Amazon, I’m usually about to buy a book and just want to know what’s good and bad about it, whereas, on GR, I’m more interested in the long reviews. Idk. I’m probably putting way too much thought into, as I do with everything lol.
I do full reviews on GR. The ones I put on Amazon I usually have to edit some, but I do pretty much a full review. I just try to make it sounds more professional on Amazon for some reason.
I don’t know if I’ve ever read a mer book, but I definitely am interested! I didn’t know it was sci fi month in Nov, I don’t think I’m going to be reading any this month LOL. Well, I”m reading The Darkest Minds series and I guess that’s kinda sci fi.
I’m in this constant battle between wanting to be professional and wanting to be my weird self with everything I do online, and it never turns out well because I just end up being neither lol.
I am fast falling in love with mer books! I recommend The Sea Witch by S.J. Valfroy. I’m posting a review tonight, if you do think you wanna try one and wanna check it out 🙂