I haven’t been able to put together book cover posts lately because of my headache problems, but nobody panic! I still managed to make this post to showcase some of my favorite covers from the books I read this year 🙂
Unfortunately I couldn’t include ALL the covers I loved (there were so many!), and I couldn’t make the collage, but I’ve still got some super gorgeous book covers here, and I can’t wait to talk about how much I love them!
(Also, I’m going to link to my reviews for most of these since that’s easier than how I normally do things, so if these beautiful covers make you interested in any of these books, you can find links to Goodreads and Amazon in the review posts, and using my Amazon affiliate links really helps me out!)
The Monster of Elendhaven
I do have a weakness for black, white, and red book covers, and the silhouette looks great.
Three Days Till Dawn
It was the cover of this one that originally caught my attention and made me want to read it because it’s so pretty, has great colors, and makes me curious about the characters.
The Shotgun Arcana
This one is creepy, fits the story, and has some great artwork!
Corpse & Crown
I just love how this looks, it’s so cool with that x-ray effect!
The Municipalists
I love how bold, colorful, and interesting this one is!
Tin Crickets
There’s something about this cover that really draws me in. It’s got such a great style and design and feel. Everything about it is great. I don’t know how to explain why I love it so much, but I just do.
Heartstrikers Series
These all have such beautiful artwork!
Loom Saga
These also have beautiful artwork, and I love how perfectly they show the characters, especially the dragon, and the fantasy world.
Simon Snow Series
Again, such beautiful artwork! And it was this new illustrated cover for Carry On that made me want to try the series in the first place.
Blood Ladders Trilogy
Talk about beautiful artwork! If I absolutely had to pick a top favorite this year, it would be very close, but it might be these. They’re just so gorgeous!
Just a few more great ones before you go…
Ah it’s nice to see a Cover Characteristics post again. 🙂
The Shotgun Arcana is great, as is the Municipalists. That one’s really fun! I like the Loom covers and the first two Aaron covers a lot too. Tin Crickets might be my fave though.
Love Starfall!
It’s been a while!
I was tempted to say Tin Crickets was my fave, but idk, it’s super close with those last three lol. They’re all so great!
I always like a good cover post. I like Shotgun Arcana and Starfall, but my favourite by a mile is Tin Crickets – and I’m not sure why either!
Right? There’s just something about it!
These are awesome! The first one is my favorite. And Carry On, of course.
Black, white, and red is just such a great color combo.
I love seeing a bunch of covers all together. There were definitely some beautiful ones this year! I think my favorite of the covers you listed is The Municipalists😁
It seems like covers just prettier and prettier every year!
That cover for The Municipalists is my favourite, and I really like the Silver In The Wood one too.
Sorry to learn that the headaches are still plaguing you. It sounds an awful situation to be in.
Silver in the Wood has such a unique cover. Thank you <3
I liked all Kova’s covers. The artwork is really good. I like covers such as Shotgun, black and white with a touch of color. It really appeals to me for some reason
Yes, all her covers are great! Black, white, and a pop of color is my fave!
Illustrated covers seem to be having a year. I like them because they can usually convey something more about the story or match the characters better.
Karen @ For What It’s worth
Illustrated is my fave <3
The Shotgun Arcana is my favourite cover of the ones here. Illustrated and lovely and dark — just the way I like them. I LOVE the covers of the alchemist of loom series and even drew the cover of book 2. Oh, and if you can’t tell I love a good illustrated cover.
Illustrated and lovely and dark, what a perfect description! Yes, the dragon cover is so awesome. You drew it?? I want to see your drawing!
Although I haven’t read any of these, Kristen, I ♥️love♥️ the covers.
That’s one of the great things about covers, we can enjoy them even if we haven’t read the books!