Book Review: Lovesick Titans (Lovesick Part 2) by Amanda Meuwissen

Danny is wracked with guilt and knows he needs to confess to Mal, but he's terrified of how his nemesis-turned-lover is going to react when he finds out the truth about how their relationship started. Unfortunately, that's not Danny's only problem because Hades is still out there, he's determined to destroy Danny, and he'll use everything he can against him.

Book Review: Lovesick Titans (Lovesick Part 2) by Amanda Meuwissen | reading, books, book reviews, fantasy, superheroes, lgbt, m/m
Title: Lovesick Titans
Book Number: Part 2
Pages: 366
My Rating: 4.5 Stars
More Info: Goodreads, Amazon


*I received an ecopy of this book from the author. This has not influenced my review.*

The first book in this series surprised me with how much I loved it simply because I don’t normally care for books about superheroes. But I quickly become invested in the characters and their relationship, and this continuation, which picked up right where the previous book left off, was just as wonderful. Now I’m kind of sad that this duology is over because I’ve grown so fond of these characters!

Look, I will admit this book had a few things I could complain about. There were things that pushed my suspension of disbelief, like some technology they had that made no sense. There were moments when the timing of things was just too perfect to be realistic. The characters could be rather dramatic with how they acted/reacted/drew things out.

But the thing is? I didn’t really care because, my gosh, it made for SO MUCH ANGST. IT WAS A COMPLETE ANGST-FEST. I LOVED IT. Seriously, I love when the relationship problems couples have to overcome come from within the relationship, from the characters themselves. It feeds my need for angst and makes it that much sweeter when the characters finally do start working together to overcome problems from outside the relationship.

And that relationship, as I said, it was not without its struggles and messed up moments, but these characters fought for each other. They cared about each other. They talked to and supported each other. And I could really feel the connection between them. They were just so beautiful together.

There was also just so much emotion in general. It was the kind of emotion that I could feel but that didn’t actually bring me down. I just really wanted to give the characters hugs and make things right for them because I felt so bad for them.

Speaking of which, I felt especially bad for Danny, who was still struggling so much with depression and even suicidal thoughts. This story had a well-written, heart-tugging portrayal of depression, but also a great portrayal of the best, most fiercely supportive friends and family a person could have.

As for everything else… The writing itself was great and pulled me in. The characters were all lovable (except the antagonist, for obvious reasons). The plot was a good balance of high emotion moments, quiet downtime, and superpower-filled action.

Overall, this book took everything that had been building up in the first book, made it all explode in the characters’ faces, but then wrapped everything up in a satisfying way and left me with a warm, happy feeling. This was a story of mental illness, superpowers, friends, family, and love, and I’m really glad I read it!


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Talk to me!

Have you read Lovesick Titans by Amanda Meuwissen?
What do you like better in books, when relationship problems come from inside or from outside the relationship?


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18 thoughts on “Book Review: Lovesick Titans (Lovesick Part 2) by Amanda Meuwissen

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  1. Amanda Meuwissen

    As always, I truly appreciate the thoughtful and constructive criticism alongside the well-crafted praise and attention to detail in what resonated with you and what did not. My challenge since Lovesick has been in crafting more concise stories with tighter narrative that I look forward to sharing soon. Every review like this truly makes it more worthwhile to share the craft and work toward improving each title from one to the next, so thank you so much for your honest review, and I hope some of you wonderful readers here consider checking it out!

    1. Kristen Burns

      Glad you like the review 🙂 I loved the book! I definitely look forward to whatever other books you’re working on. And I’ll be recommending this series to people, so hopefully I’ll get some people to give it a try!

  2. Olivia Roach

    WOW! You really loved this book and rated it so highly which isn’t something I see too often with your reviews? I definitely have to try this duology now. I also recently discovered that angst is something I love in my books as well D: I discovered this because I read a book with no angst in the romance and then had an epiphany 😛 Oh man, this one just sounds so good. Great review!!

  3. Danya @ Fine Print

    Hmmm. Normally I’m not keen on superhero stories either, but the fact that you love this series despite that is making me reconsider picking it up. Toss in great writing and this is a difficult series to say no to!

    1. Kristen Burns

      I even ended up liking the superpowers and the whole hero-villain thing in the end! And when the writing and characters are good, a lot of books you might not normally like can end up being great 🙂 I hope you like it if you try it!

  4. Becky@ A Fool's Ingenuity

    I remember you reviewing the first book in this series and it sounded kind of interesting so glad to see you enjoyed the second book too. I admit, I love when a book is a little farfetched and should have things you don’t like about it but you enjoy it anyway. I feel like it’s a sign of good writing if nothing else because how else do you explain enjoying a book when you can see the flaws?

    1. Kristen Burns

      It was an amazing duology! Right? I like realism for the most part, but there are certain things that I don’t mind being a little less realistic cuz they add more emotion and angst XD And I think it definitely indicates good writing or a good book when you’re able to overlook the flaws!