Book Review: Steal the Day (Thieves Book 2) by Lexi Blake


When Daniel gets back in town and Zoey gets an offer from some angels who can help her get her friend back from the Hell Plane, Zoey accepts---now all they have to do is steal the necessary artifact and attend the Vampire Ball. But nothing goes quite according to plan, and the emotional tension between Zoey, Daniel, and Dev rises as Zoey continues to deal with her feelings for both men while all of them struggle to work together.

4 Star Book Review: Steal the Day (Thieves Book 2) by Lexi Blake | books, reading, book reviews, book covers, fantasy, paranormal romance, urban fantasy, vampires, faeries, werewolves, demons
Title: Steal the Day
Book Number: Book 2
Pages: 319
My Rating: 4.5 Stars
More Info: Goodreads, Amazon


My review of Book 1 is basically a series review, so instead of repeating everything, I’m going to focus more on the things I liked about this particular book.

And one of the things I loved about this particular book was that it was just as amazingly emotional and heart-wrenching as the first, but in a slightly different way. Whereas the first book was mostly tension, longing, not knowing who to trust, and the pain of Zoey finding out just how much Daniel had been keeping from her and how far he was from her emotionally, this one was about love and the heartbreak of the love triangle. It was about Zoey being in love with two men and knowing that she’d have chosen Daniel in a heartbeat at any other point in her life but not being sure anymore because he hurt her too many times by pushing her away; it was about Dev knowing that Zoey will never be happy without Daniel and that she’ll never stop loving him; it was about Daniel realizing that Zoey’s relationship with Dev isn’t just a fling and that he might actually lose her.

Then there was that one scene, that gloriously heartbreaking and beautiful scene near the end of the book. *SPOILER* Daniel had just stormed off in anger because he was feeling so hurt and so insecure, so he wasn’t there to protect Zoey. Dev threw himself in front of Zoey, sacrificing his own life, to try and save her from Halfer because it was all he could do. Then, as Zoey was dying, all she was thinking about were her two loves—how Daniel would never forgive himself for leaving that ball and whether or not Dev was still alive. And even as Daniel was in full vampire mode, viciously attempting to rip Halfer’s heart out, all Zoey could think was how beautiful he was and how much she loved him and all the good and bad times they’d had and how she would miss them all. Then there was Daniel, the Death Machine, the Nex Apparatus, the most brutal and feared vampire in the room, weeping on the floor with Zoey’s head in his lap not willing to stop tearing his wrist open and pouring blood into her mouth because he wouldn’t accept that she was dead. *END SPOILER* Honestly, that scene gives goosebumps just thinking about it. The love between Zoey and Daniel is so beautiful it makes me want to cry. But the thing about all the emotion in these books is that it doesn’t matter how many times I read them or that I know what’s going to happen, Lexi Blake somehow writes in this way that just puts me in the characters’ shoes and makes me feel what they’re feeling.

And that’s not the only scene I love in this book. The fight between Daniel and Dev in the cemetery is so intense and amped up with emotion too. It’s also the first time you really get a taste of how strong both Daniel’s and Dev’s powers are.

And let’s not forget the characters. Like Dev, who is downright vicious sometimes in this book. He knows exactly what to say to people to cut the deepest, and I cringe every time I read those things. But then, Daniel isn’t perfect either. He’s also said some hurtful things himself, and how many times has he used the excuse of protecting Zoey when he was really just pushing her away and hurting her? But that’s exactly what I love so much about these characters—they’re truly flawed, they do crappy things and hurt each other sometimes, but I still can’t help but love them for the goodness that’s in them too.

This book is also when the vampire politics really start coming into play and the bigger plot gets started. There’s still an individual plot in each book, but there’s an overarching one as well that starts building. The more I’ve read these books, but more I’ve come to appreciate how well thought-out that bigger plot is and how Lexi Blake really manages to convey the seriousness of it. This book is also when Daniel and Dev start reluctantly working together more and trying to navigate that relationship.

Last but not least, just like the first book, this one had action, heists, supernatural creatures, humor, biting, sex, love, friendship, and so many great things! So if you liked the first one, I don’t think you’ll be disappointed. This one even had an interesting twist that threw me a bit the first time I read it but that I came to love by the time I finished the series.

So overall, this is another fantastic book in a fantastic urban fantasy series!

*I’ve read this book multiple times. This review was written after my 3rd read.*

Reread Ratings:
4 Stars (1st Read – 2015)
4 Stars (2nd Read – 2016)
4.5 Stars (3rd Read – 2017)
4.5 Stars (4th Read – 2018)
4.5 Stars (5th Read – 2019)


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Talk to me!

Have you read Steal the Day by Lexi Blake?
Do you have any books that always make you *feel* no matter how many times you read them?


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20 thoughts on “Book Review: Steal the Day (Thieves Book 2) by Lexi Blake

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  1. R A I N

    OH MY GODDDDD!!! Just yesterday i was thinking about how I haven’t read any Vampire fiction*ahem* GOOD VAMPIRE FICTION ;P in a while and HERE I AM!!!!!! ON YOUR BLOG. READING THIS AMAZING REVIEW ABOUT THIS GLORIOUS (by the sound of it) BOOK!!!! I FEEL LUCKYYYY!!! YAYYYYY…!!!! xD xD xD xD


    PS I am in LOOOVEE with your blog, Kristen! OH MY! HOW VERY PRETTY IT IS! *heart eyes*

    1. Kristen Burns

      Ahhhh it’s like bookish fate! I definitely think this is a glorious series, it’s one of my absolute favorites, hopefully you will love it too!

      Aww you are so sweet!!! Thank you <3 <3 <3 I just changed the color scheme a few days ago, so you've made me feel more confident about my choice XD

  2. Lily B

    man been forever since I read anything with vampires. I think it’s awesome that your opinion of the book is so strong after a reread

    1. Kristen Burns

      It probably seems like I’m shoving this series down your throat all the sudden, haha. I swear this was already set to be posted before you commented on the rec post 😉

  3. Dragonfly @ Our Familiairum

    I remember your review of book one! I added it to GR and I kept thinking this could be my PPP Vampire book because it has heaven, hell, angels, etc BUT they don’t have it in my library [sobs] and I reached my cap of book request [surprise! lol] I think I can request another book in November I’ll try for them to add this one!

    1. Kristen Burns

      Yep, I remember that you commented on GR! But oh no, damn library request cap! I didn’t even know that was a thing. I try to keep my library requests to a minimum so that when I do request there’s a better chance it’ll get bought lol.