Book Review: Thirst Trap (Vampire Vigilante Book 2) by Nazri Noor [Audiobook]

The supernatural trio have decided to stay in small town Silveropolis a while longer when another murder happens, possibly done by a vampire hunter. Sterling tries to find out more from a hot, nerdy journalist while also dealing with gods, local cryptids, and tourists.

Book Cover - Thirst Trap by Nazri Noor
Title: Thirst Trap
Book Number: Book 2
Pages: 318
My Rating: 4 Stars
More Info: Goodreads // Amazon


Another quick but fun book!

I like Sterling. Who was once again drooling over more pretty faces. I’m a little confused about his feeling toward some of these people he’s drooling over, but that’s not really the point of the book, I guess. He is just a really fun character though. Cocky and quippy and flirty, but generally lovable and competent enough to back it up.

Speaking of fun characters, I love Vilmas. I really do. He’s so weird. And a seemingly old and powerful enough vampire that he can be that way, and what’s anyone gonna do about it? He can turn into blood mist, good luck fighting him. Anyway, he doesn’t care, he’s too busy being in the throes of his second orgasm of the night. Honestly, the exaggerated voice the audiobook narrator gives him makes his character even better.

But I gotta say, these guys are terrible detectives. They try, but so far, they are 0 for 2. They haven’t really figured out anything, the answers just sorta came to them both times. But there’s always silly or entertaining stuff happening while they try, so I don’t mind.

Like last time, the audiobook, narrated by Nick Podehl, was fantastic! He brings Sterling to life so well. Vilmas too. All the characters really. A few are a bit over-the-top, but the characters are over-the-top and a bit silly, so it works.

Overall, another book that was enjoyable and a lot of fun and just the kind of book that makes you want to keep reading (or listening)!

*Rating: 4 Stars // Read Date: 2024 // Format: Audiobook*


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