Graphic Novel Review: Tristan and Lancelot – A Tale of Two Knights by James Persichetti & L.S. Biehler

Fae are wreaking havoc and Merlin is missing, so mage Morgan, knight Lancelot, and hunter Tristan head out to find him. But they don't really get along at first and have their own issues to deal with, in addition to a dangerous enemy.

Book Cover - Tristan and Lancelot A Tale of Two Knights by James Persichetti and L.S. Biehler
Title: Tristan and Lancelot: A Tale of Two Knights
Pages: 336
My Rating: 3.5 Stars
More Info: Goodreads // Amazon // Publisher


I’ll be honest, I don’t have a lot of thoughts about this, but I enjoyed it, so I’ll keep this review simple.

All three characters had a bit of growth and also went from grumpily, begrudgingly working together to caring about each other and making a good team. It was sweet.

Not very deep, but a nice queer romance.

Morgan was badass. And I liked that, even though the guys got the title and the romance, Morgan got her own spotlight and was not relegated to background status.

There was some funny and cute moments. Especially the hedgehogs.

Pretty full-color art.

The designs for the villains were cool.

It was a decent, if simple, story with a nice ending. Things moved quickly though. Sometimes I felt like I was getting a summary more than an in-depth story. But I know graphic novels can be like that, and the art somewhat makes up for it.

The story put its own cool twists on Arthurian legend, but you don’t need to know about that to enjoy it (I have only the vaguest familiarity).

I couldn’t tell how old these characters were supposed to be. They looked and acted like teens, but they were kings and queens and knights and traveling mages and living lives like adults. Still, I would call this YA for the feel of it.

Overall, there was magic and fae and action and romance and colorful art, and it was a nice story to spend a couple hours with!

*Rating: 3.5 Stars // Read Date: 2024 // Format: Ebook*


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