Cover Love: Best Book Covers from Books I Read in 2024

Cover Love: Best Book Covers from Books I Read in 2024

It's that time again for book covers! I think I have fewer than usual this year, believe it it not, since I read fewer books. Still have plenty though! I've said before and will say again that a book doesn't need an expensive, perfect cover. I would rather something basic or a stock photo than an AI cover. (If you don't believe me, check out my favorite books post that will come out soon!)...
Update: Life and Books (May 2024) – AKA That Month When I Share Fun Facts about Sea Creatures

Update: Life and Books (May 2024) – AKA That Month When I Share Fun Facts about Sea Creatures

So I fell behind on blogging a bit in May. I was feeling more rundown than usual and just wasn't up to making blog posts. When I was feeling well enough to do stuff and focus, I was---big surprise---playing Baldur's Gate 3. I'm on my sixth playthrough and still having fun, finding new things, falling more and more in love with all the characters. It has also become more and more of a dress-up...
Book Review: Court of Wanderers (Silver Under Nightfall Book 2) by Rin Chupeco [Audiobook]

Book Review: Court of Wanderers (Silver Under Nightfall Book 2) by Rin Chupeco [Audiobook]

Vampire hunter Remy has decided to join his vampire partners as they venture deeper into court politics, in an attempt to stop the Night Empress once and for all. Between mutated creatures, mind control, enemy vampires, and the machinations of supposed allies, there's no shortage of danger, but the connection between the three of them is only growing...
Book Review Update: Silver Under Nightfall by Rin Chupeco

Book Review Update: Silver Under Nightfall by Rin Chupeco

Hey, everyone! Sorry I haven't posted in over a week. I've just been tired and not feeling great and wasn't up to it. And now I'm here with a weird post, because I'm actually just directing you to an old post. (I didn't want to delete it and repost it as a new post for Google algorithm reasons.) I reread (more specifically, listened to) Silver Under Nightfall by Rin Chupeco and updated my...
Update: Life and Books (Feb 2024)

Update: Life and Books (Feb 2024)

I know my monthly updates have mostly been about games lately, but, uh... this one is also going to be about games 😅 (Also some books though!) Honestly, everything has just felt like a lot lately. So I have retreated into games. Is that the healthiest thing to do? Well, I'm chronically ill and disabled, so I don't have a lot of options, and it's certainly healthier...
Cover Love: Best Book Covers from Books I Read in 2022

Cover Love: Best Book Covers from Books I Read in 2022

Is it just me, or are book covers getting better? I have SO many this year. These aren't in any order. I tried to group them together by similar art styles or color, just for a nice aesthetic. And I chose a few to talk about, but I couldn't talk about them all because I'd just be repeating how pretty everything is a million times. And most of them aren't just great art, they're also great text...
Update: Life and Books (Sep 2022)

Update: Life and Books (Sep 2022)

Well, September was a month. And it's over now! I never know how to start these posts anymore. I call these "Life and Books," but as it turns out, life is usually either too boring to be worth talking about or too complicated to want to talk about, and I pretty much just talk about books, games, music, podcasts, and movies/shows instead. Speaking of which... I found this really cool cover of...
Bookish News: 2022 Queer SFF Books I’m Excited For (Part 2)

Bookish News: 2022 Queer SFF Books I’m Excited For (Part 2)

At the beginning of the year, I made a blog post about upcoming queer sci-fi/fantasy books I was excited for, but I only included books set to release in the first half the year. I figured there'd be more I'd learn about later in the year, and what a shame that they wouldn't get to be on lists since they just weren't announced yet. So here we are, Part 2! Once again, there are so many books I...
Cover Characteristics: Book Covers featuring Skulls (2)

Cover Characteristics: Book Covers featuring Skulls (2)

I originally did a post about book covers featuring skulls roughly six months ago when it was the official topic of the week, but I kept finding so many great covers with skulls that I wanted to do it again! And something about a skull on a book cover just seems to automatically make it more interesting ;-) So here are some more awesome and gorgeous book covers for you all to...