Aren't snow globes so pretty? And kind of magical too, like a perfect, little world inside a glass bubble. They also make for nice book covers, hence this post! And that's about all I have to say about snow globes, so... enjoy these pretty...
I'm really excited about this week's cover characteristic (Do I say that every week? I feel like I probably do.), which is odd because I don't like fish. I don't like how they smell, how they taste, how they feel. I dislike fishing even more. What I do like, however, are the book covers I found! Some of them are actually some of my all-time favorites. It was a little difficult to find TEN good...
So this week's topic is water. Water? WATER? WATER??? Do you even know what this topic did to me?! There are even more book covers with water than there are with keys! There are covers with boats and mermaids and beaches and storms and my poor indecision-addled mind couldn't take it! Then I got all perfectionist about how cool it was that they were almost all blue, but the shades of blue didn't...