Bookish Musings: Top Ten Books/Series I Read in 2024 + Some Non-Bookish Things!

Bookish Musings: Top Ten Books/Series I Read in 2024 + Some Non-Bookish Things!

This list is maybe a little different than usual because it only has six new books, and the other four are rereads. Turns out I did more rereading this year than I thought! But I feel like any book good enough to make me love it multiple times deserves to be praised multiple times, and these were my genuine ten favorite books this year. So without further ado, here they are, plus a few...
Random Musings: Scenes in Books, Movies, & Shows that Disturbed Me as a Kid

Random Musings: Scenes in Books, Movies, & Shows that Disturbed Me as a Kid

I meant to do this in October because it feels sorta Halloween-y, or at least some of my things on the list feel Halloween-y. But I just wasn't feeling up to putting the post together, so I'm doing it now. What better way to celebrate the holidays than by talking about the things that have traumatized us? Joking, none of these were genuinely traumatic, but they did freak me out a bit. I...
Updates & Info: The Weekly Update (5)

Updates & Info: The Weekly Update (5)

This was a really slow, unproductive book week for me. I ended up starting three different books, all books I want to read, but they just weren't what I *felt* like at the time. I've hit another "I have 500 books and nothing to read" slump. (That sure didn't take long -_-) And I'm very much a mood reader. If I'm not in the right mood for a certain type of book, it can ruin what would otherwise be...
Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Books to Read If You Like…

Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Books to Read If You Like…

I'll be the first to admit this was not an easy Top Ten Tuesday for me because I don't read a lot of popular series. I struggled for a bit, considered recommending books based on Disney movies, considered making a list just about a genre or general topic, considered going with something relating to vampires, then finally ended up making a list with all different books (...well, plus one TV show)...