Sometimes I like to start my posts by just shouting the thing they’re about. Easier than thinking of good intros.
So anyway, I have a bunch of anthologies (and one collection) I reviewed elsewhere years ago but never posted here. Both normal and graphic novels.
To be honest, most of these were not really for me. I’ve tried to get into anthologies. They always sound so fun. But I rarely end up loving them (though I do find I have better luck with comics). So don’t be put off by my lack of enthusiasm, I do think other people may really enjoy these books! At least check them out and read some other reviews if they sound interesting to you.
*Quick Reviews are posts where I share summaries and links for reviews I’ve recently posted to Goodreads and Amazon but don’t plan to make full review posts for here on the blog. Tag links are at the end.*
The Ghost Variations: One Hundred Stories by Kevin Brockmeier [Audiobook]
One hundred short stories with all different kinds of unique takes on ghosts.
Not quite for me, but genuinely a really cool idea! A lot of really creative takes on ghosts. And a great audiobook with narration by Vikas Adam.
*Rating: 3 Stars // Read Date: 2022 // Format: Audiobook*
My Full Review:
Goodreads // Amazon
Fantasy, Low/Paranormal/Urban Fantasy, Anthology/Collection, Standalone, Publisher: Pantheon, Ghosts/Spirits, Cover Love, Super Creative, Audiobooks
18 Wheels of Science Fiction by Various Authors [Audiobook]
Eighteen stories that combine sci-fi and trucking.
Another one not quite for me, but I love this idea for an anthology, combining these two themes. It was fun seeing the different ideas author came up with, and I did love one story in particular. I didn’t love the audio narration for every story, but YMMV.
*Rating: 3 Stars // Read Date: 2020 // Format: Audiobook*
My Full Review:
Goodreads // Amazon
Science Fiction, Anthology/Collection, Standalone, Publisher: Big Time Books, Audiobooks
Smut Peddler Presents: My Monster Boyfriend by Various Authors
Ten full-color short-but-sexy comics about supernatural men (including harpies, gargoyles, vampires, gloopy creatures of indeterminate nature, and more) and the people who find themselves falling in love, or lust, with them.
I enjoyed this one! It was sexy, cute, and LGBT+ inclusive with beautiful color art. I especially liked that there were some uncommon monsters and that a lot of the relationships were already established or took some time to develop.
*Rating: 4 Stars // Read Date: 2021 // Format: eBook*
My Full Review:
Goodreads // Amazon
Fantasy, Erotica, Graphic Novel, LGBTQIA+, Anthology/Collection, Standalone, Publisher: Iron Circus Comics, Other Supernatural
Smut Peddler Presents: Silver by Various Authors
Fourteen full color, erotic, short comics about people 40+ years old finding romance, falling in love, or just having fun, including a variety of sexualities, genders, and romantic/sexual pairings.
I enjoyed this too, though these stories were more just sex than other Smut Peddlers I’ve read, and only some were SFF. Still, the art was beautiful and in color, and I liked the diversity. Also, I own a print copy of this one, thanks to the nice person who gifted it to me, and I can tell you the print version is beautiful!
*Rating: 3.5 Stars // Read Date: 2021 // Format: Print*
My Full Review:
Goodreads // Amazon
Erotica, Graphic Novel, LGBTQIA+, Anthology/Collection, Standalone, Publisher: Iron Circus Comics, POC, Cover Love
Ambrosia by Various Authors
Sixteen short erotic comics about trans masc and nonbinary characters, revolving around the theme of gods/deities.
I found a lot of these stories confusing or too fast to jump into sex for my taste. I didn’t like all the art, but it was all in color, which I appreciate. It had great inclusivity and diversity of all kinds! And I did find a few standout stories.
*Rating: 3 Stars // Read Date: 2020 // Format: Ebook*
My Full Review:
Fantasy, Mythology, Erotica, Graphic Novel, LGBTQIA+, Anthology/Collection, Standalone, Publisher: Discord Comics, Gods/Deities, Trans (Main Character), Trans (Love Interest), Physical Illness/Disability, POC
Nether Realms by Various Authors
Fifteen short erotic comics about nonbinary characters, all set within the sci-fi genre.
Not for me, another one with a lot of stories that were very short and went straight to the sex. But I did find a few standout stories, and I love that there was so much diversity of all kinds, not to mention a whole erotic anthology about nonbinary characters!
*Rating: 3 Stars // Read Date: 2023 // Format: Ebook*
My Full Review:
Science Fiction, Graphic Novel, LGBTQIA+, Anthology/Collection, Standalone, Publisher: Discord Comics, Aliens, Androids/Cyborgs/AI, Nonbinary (Main Character), Physical Illness/Disability, POC
Can I Pet Your Werewolf? by Various Authors
Thirteen black-and-white comics about werewolves being cute, finding love, protecting their family, and living their lives.
I hate to say it, but this one was a disappointment. Most of the stories lacked depth, and most of the art styles weren’t to my taste. But it did have some queer, POC, and body diversity, and I found a few stories I enjoyed.
*Rating: 2 Stars // Read Date: 2020 // Format: Ebook*
My Full Review:
Fantasy, Low/Paranormal/Urban Fantasy, Graphic Novel, LGBTQIA+, Anthology/Collection, Standalone, Publisher: Self Published, Shifters, Cover Love
Shouting the common theme is so real. I love the sound of unique takes on ghosts. I’ve also had mixed results with anthologies though I sometimes find single authors I really like
Lol blogging is hard. The ghost one really was cool.
“gloopy creatures” gave me a giggle.
Anthologies always seem like a great idea and a good way to find new authors but they are hit or usually miss for me too.
I think the ones that are bonus extras for already established series are the best.
Truly no other way to describe that one, haha. Oh I do like short story collections that go with a series, since I already know those characters!