I am a total chicken when it comes to horror. Really, I just can't handle it. I can probably count on my hands the number of scary movies I've watched, I have literally absolutely zero desire to go to things like Halloween Horror Nights, I don't particularly enjoy being scared the way some people do, and, well, I guess that has translated over into my reading since I don't really read horror...
Posts with Tag: Anya Allyn
I love book series. I also love book covers. Therefore it stands to reason that I would love the covers for series. And I do... when they're consistent. But there are a lot of little (and sometimes big) things that irk me when it comes to the covers on different books in a series, so I thought, why not make it a...
In honor of Halloween, I thought it would be fun to do a cover post about haunted houses! I've never been to a legitimate haunted house before (unless you count my parent's house since there's a ghost in the shower). I've also never been to Halloween Horror Nights or any similar event. But I have been to a few of those random, rinky-dink, fog-machine, people-in-costumes, fake-blood kinds. I'm not...
I LOVE PARANORMAL AND URBAN FANTASY. Human-like creatures (e.g. vampires, incubi, ghosts, witches, shifters, demons, etc.) are my jam. I also love historical fantasy, magical realism, dystopian, post-apocalyptic, and even the occasional genetic-engineering or cyborg book. So those are the genres I read. Therefore, those are the genres this post will not be about. But I like certain genres for a...
Now that 2015 is coming to an end, I really wanted to share some of the amazing book covers I have fallen in love with. But I've realized I'm kind of a bitch when it comes to book covers, and I've become one even more so as the year has gone on and I've seen more and more of them. I was going to write this whole spiel about what I do and don't like in book covers, but I've decided to save it for...
I love urban fantasy and paranormal romance, so I absolutely couldn't resist my chance to talk about my favorite genres. And one of the things I love most is seeing the different way paranormal creatures are portrayed by different authors. I usually prefer the "good" kinds, the ones who are the protagonist or the love interest or the best friend and are technically monsters but still have a good...
I don't have a lot of real life news, but I did have a pretty good book week. And I'm in a very circus-y mood now! Even though they weren't really about circus, The Dark Carousel series I read this week had a lot of mentions of circuses and carnivals, both of which I love--the fun kinds and the creepy kinds. Something about them is just so inherently creepy without even trying. Maybe The Immortal...
This TTT topic could not have come at a more PERFECT time. I almost never plan my books ahead of time. I read whatever I feel like reading whenever I feel like reading it. I did plan books this month because I just so happen to be doing my own Series September Reading Challenge, but that's also the reason I now have a whole list of books I didn't get to read when I stumbled upon them the past few...
Ok, so, the meme guidelines suggest five books, and, when I first started looking, I didn't even think I was going to be able to find that many. It's a lot harder to find book covers with toys than you would think. Seriously, I had a book saved with a hedge maze on the cover because I was desperate and mazes are like toys, right? Right?! But then I searched "dolls" in the kindle store, and I kind...