I almost never plan my books ahead of time. I read whatever I feel like reading whenever I feel like reading it. I did plan books this month because I just so happen to be doing my own Series September Reading Challenge, but that's also the reason I now have a whole list of books I didn't get to read when I stumbled upon them the past few weeks. Plus, I have numerous pre-orders coming soon, so YAY NEW BOOKS! On with the part of the post where I actually get to gush about them!
Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted at The Broke and the Bookish. This week’s topic is:
Top Ten Books on My Fall TBR
10. The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern
I’m not entirely sure when I’ll actually read this, but I have really wanted to for so long! I love circus in real life, so I also love books about it, and those are hard to come by. Plus it’s got magic which is basically the perfect combination.
9. The Shifter (The Healing Wars Book 1) by Janice Hardy
Janice has, hands down, the best writing tips blog I’ve ever read. I’m 99% sure I’d have given up on my current WIP before I even typed up a single word if it weren’t for her tips, so I’m really interested to read her novel. I already have it, just gotta get around to the reading part.
8. Queen of Someday (Stolen Empire Book 1) by Sherry D. Ficklin
Is that not the most GORGEOUS cover you’ve ever seen?!?! And the other two books are black and red which are the best colors ever! I don’t remember what they’re about, but I don’t even care and am just going to read them all anyway! And I can’t stop using exclamation marks!
7. The Immortal Circus (Cirque des Immortels Book 1) by A.R. Kahler
Another book I stared at longingly for a while and finally bought this month but haven’t gotten a chance to read yet. Did I mention my love for circus books?
6. Dollhouse (The Dark Carousel Book 1) by Anya Allyn
I actually stumbled upon this series while looking for book covers for a different meme, and the covers are SO PRETTY that I have to have them. Luckily they sound like amazing, creepy, down-the-rabbit-hole-ish fantasy books. This one better not disappoint because I want to be able to own them all.
5. Flex (‘Mancer Book 1) by Ferrett Steinmetz
I saw a review for this book recently, and I DON’T THINK I’VE EVER WANTED A BOOK SO BADLY IN MY LIFE. A gritty fantasy book with screwed up characters in which people’s obsessions become their magic? This book just screams my name. I’m breaking my rule of no more starting series until they’re finished for this because I can’t wait for the whole series.
4. Lux (The Nocte Trilogy Book 3) by Courtney Cole
I have mixed feelings about this one because the series is just OK, but it’s so full of mystery and weird twists that I have to finish it because I have to know what’s actually going on. But the third book keeps getting pushed back, and now it’s being pushed back even more because of a novella, so even knows when it’ll actually come out…
3. Addict (Hunter: A Thieves Series Book 2) by Lexi Blake
So… this is that series I’m only reading because I’m in love with one particular side character from the original series who now happens to be one of two love interests of the new MC. Except he’s clearly not the one she prefers (though I can’t for the life of me understand why) and was hardly in the first book at all.
2. A Faerie’s Revenge (Creepy Hollow Book 5) by Rachel Morgan
This is a great, fun YA series, and the last book ended with a MAJOR and shocking cliffhanger, so I’m excited for this one.
1. Reap the Shadows (Steel & Stone Book 4) by Annette Marie
Ahhh, I always get so excited for books in this series! It immediately became one of my all-time favorites when I read the first book. I know that not many people have read this series, BUT YOU SHOULD. Seriously, you all like YA fantasy with kickass females and sexy supernatural men and BEAUTIFUL writing and action-packed plots, right? SO GO READ IT!
I’ve read The Stolen Empire books, and they’re freaking awesome. I’ll have to check out these other books you have listed.
I seriously think I’d read them even they were terrible because I’m that desperate for the covers, so that’s reassuring that someone else thinks they’re good lol.
I really want to read Night Circus! Also, I had never heard of the Steel & Stone or Creepy Hollow books. But, I read the synopses for the first books in each series and they sound VERY intriguing. Definitely adding those to my ‘to-read’ list on Goodreads. Great list! Check out my TTT!
You definitely should read them! I’m going to post review for the Steel & Stone books in October because I really need more people to read them. Eventually someone is going to cave, haha. I’m glad you found something to interest you!
These books look intriguing! I hope that you enjoy them all. 🙂
Thank you! I know I’m definitely going to enjoy some of them and will cross my fingers for the rest 😛
The Night Circus is fantastic! I hope you enjoy it!
Check out my TTT.
Thanks, I’m looking forward to it!
I listened to NIGHT CIRCUS last year and loved it. Enjoy your books.
I’ve heard a lot of good things about it! Thanks 🙂
Ooooh! Great choices! I have Queen of Someday on my Kindle and I’m definitely planning to read it soon! I hope we both enjoy it 😀
Here are my Top Ten!
*Crosses fingers* I really do want it to be good!
The Night Circus was awesome! Hope you get to read it soon 🙂
Thanks! I’m looking forward to it!
Why did you have to put books on your list I’ve never heard about? Now I have to check them out and then I want to buy them… ;D oooh, Creepy Hollow Book 1 is currently at 0€ on Amazon. Aaaand bought!
Haha, what fun would it be if I didn’t make someone want to add more books to their never-ending TBR? Free books are the best though! I originally got that one for free, too, but it’s not always at that price, so I’m glad you caught it while it was on sale 🙂
You have a great list and I have added quite a few to my wishlist. I am really interested in the Creepy Hollow book and Flux. Hope you enjoy the all!
Thank you! I do recommend the Creepy Hollow series 🙂