Yay, time for another update! I think you all are going to like this one. It's a fun one. I also have one last sim to introduce (there won't be any more since eight is the limit in the game). Annnnd I even have a little treat at the end for my Jacovine fans ;-) Also, I changed my graphic settings in the game (after the pictures for this post were taken), turned some of them down to compensate...
Posts with Tag: Humor
So this isn't a real update, more of an update to let you all know that my Weekly Update posts are on temporary hiatus. It might just be for a week or two, I'm playing it by ear here since I'm supposed to be moving next weekend and don't know how I will end up feeling after that. (Note the words 'supposed to be.' If it's get pushed again, I will punch someone. Ok, no I won't because I don't even...
Since the introductory post went over so well and most of you said you wanted updates, here we are! I do have a bit of news though. I got rid of the ghost (sorry to anyone who liked him!) since he just wasn't clicking for me. But I added two new sims to make up for it! Also, a little explanation of something else before I get to the shenanigans. I'm still playing The Sims 3, in case anyone...
Let's see, what did I do this week... I rented some movies! I rarely watch movies, but it seemed like a good way to rest my arms. I watched Captain Fantastic because I thought it would be fun, quirky, and touching, I got a Little Miss Sunshine vibe from the cover, but boy was I wrong. I nearly cried like six times. I was heavy and unsettling in some ways and emotional but touching in the end....
Some of you have said you want to know more about my supernatural Sims house, and I am admittedly a little bit obsessed with it at the moment, so I thought I'd make a post to tell you all about my sims and their...
Everyone get excited because it's time for another post about weird, interesting, funny book titles! Ok, fine, maybe it's not that exciting, but it's a fun post at least, and fun is always a good reason to get excited :-D Anyway, as someone who spends a lot of time on Goodreads and the ebook section of Amazon and NetGalley and basically every other bookish site out there, I inevitably come across...
My tennis elbow is hurting too much to ignore and I've actually been trying to rest it the past couple days, so I don't know how much commenting I'll be able to do today. I might have to leave a quick, generic comment sometimes just to let you know I stopped by or only comment every other Sunday or something because Sundays are the hardest on my arm, but I don't want you all to think I don't care...
I stumbled upon this book tag on YouTube and it seemed fun, plus I have been slowly losing my filter in regards to all things book-related, so I figured why not? But in case you don't know, NSFW stands for "Not Safe For Work." And, as the title suggests, I will be talking about some inappropriate things! (What fun would it be if I didn't?) So if the topic of sexy times and/or cannibalism in books...
So I saw this tag over at A Dance With Books, and it looked like so much fun I couldn't resist. It was originally created by The Writing Hufflepuff, and what you do is choose four books, then you use those books to answer the questions. (I recommend choosing books before you even look at the questions, that's what I did, and I think it's more fun that way!) Anyway, here's my Harry Potter life!...
I wanted to do a Halloween-related post every Monday this month, but I decided to go with something not bookish today because I always end up talking about the same books in those types of posts. So this is just about Halloween in general and will maybe give you all a chance to get to know some really random and insignificant things about me since I have included lots of stories from my life...