Book Review: An Echo in the Sorrow (Soulbound Book 6) by Hailey Turner

Patrick is working another case, but things are escalating on every front for he and Jono and their pack. Between secrets being revealed, Patrick being accused of murder, the Dominion Sect, and more demon possessions, the two men have a lot to deal with.

Book Cover - An Echo in the Sorrow by Hailey Turner
Title: An Echo in the Sorrow
Book Number: Book 6
Pages: 417
My Rating: 4 Stars
More Info: Goodreads, Amazon


*I received an ecopy of this book via A Novel Take PR. This has not influenced my review.*

Wow, so much action! And so much you-know-what hitting the fan! I think this was the most plot-heavy and action-packed book yet in this series. These poor characters just couldn’t seem to catch a break. But it also finally really advanced some of the plot threads that have been building throughout the series. Which is good, since I think I remember the author saying somewhere that there’s only one book left in the series.

Everything else was great, as usual. Like the same great characters I’ve come to know and love. It was nice to see how far Patrick has come, and how far his relationship with Jono has come, emotionally speaking. Despite everything happening, he didn’t pull away or keep secrets, he kept his trust in Jono and his friends to be there and support him. And they were. There’s a sweet found family element to this series.

The world is established at this point, but it’s still a really thought-out and intricate world with all the different government agencies and supernatural societies and factions.

Overall, another great book in an urban fantasy series I’ve been enjoying, this time with even more exciting action then ever!

*Rating: 4 Stars // Read Date: 2021 // Format: eBook*


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