Book Review: On the Wings of War (Soulbound Book 5) by Hailey Turner

Still chasing down leads on the Morrigan's Staff, Patrick, Jono, and their unusual but loyal pack travel to London, once again employing Lucien's begrudging help. But they get caught up in the London godpack's trouble, they discover another shady group has their sights on the staff, and nothing goes quite as simply as they'd hoped it would.

Book Cover - On the Wings of War by Hailey Turner
Title: On the Wings of War
Book Number: Book 5
Pages: 395
My Rating: 4 Stars
More Info: Goodreads, Amazon


*I received an ecopy of this book via A Novel Take PR. This has not influenced my review.*

I think I say this every time, but this was another great book in the series! Same great action and lovable characters.

One thing these books do especially well is the realism in characters. Some books try to make characters stand out by pushing certain aspects to extremes, making them broken or mysterious or quirky. But these characters stand out by being real in an understated way. They’re not overly dramatic, nor do they rely on tropes. Their actions, emotions, and dialogue feel genuine, given their situations and lives involving the supernatural. They’re also very likeable. Not overly perfect, but good and loyal.

Well, except for Lucien and Carmen. I love that vampire and succubus! They’re so awful. Even other criminals are scared of Lucien. I’ve said this before too, but what a freaking power couple. I’m so glad they’ve been in most or all the books so far, even if only for a small part.

Back to the characters who are actually decent people, there’s still a sweet found family aspect to this series, what with Patrick and Jono’s small, unusual, but loyal pack.

I’m also still enjoying getting to read about characters in an established relationship, rather than just the initial romance, though that’s not the focus anymore. They’re a solid couple who actually try to communicate and support each other, even if they sometimes struggle or make mistakes.

Lots of magic too! Mages, shifters, gods, a dragon.

The overall series plot about the Morrigan’s staff and the Dominion Sect continues to crawl at a snail’s pace, but the godpack plot is making small steps of progress in the meantime, and it’s still fun reading about these characters and whatever book-specific mess they get themselves into. And something happened in this one that should have an interesting impact on future books.

Overall, I enjoyed this and am looking forward to more!


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Talk to me!

Have you read On the Wings of War by Hailey Turner?
Do you like characters who are realistic in a normal, understated kinda way?


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8 thoughts on “Book Review: On the Wings of War (Soulbound Book 5) by Hailey Turner

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  1. Lola

    I like the sound of this series, but sadly it’s only in KU at the moment. I hope it becomes available on other stores eventually. I especially like how you describe the characters as being real in an understated way, I really like it in books when the characters feel realistic. It also sounds fun that you get to read about established couples, I like it when books show more of what happens after they get in a relationschip. Great review!

  2. Greg

    A vampire and succubus would be a good team. Whenever I see that combo I always think back to the old D&D adventure Vault of the Drow lol. Talk about a power couple- that’s a great way to describe a combo like that! I love it when characters feel genuine too. Glad this was a good one!

  3. Becky @ A Fool’s Ingenuity

    Good to see you continue to enjoy the series. I always worry as series progress that they’ll lose their appeal as they try and cause unnecessary drama between characters for the sake of a story instead of telling a story that progresses the character’s story along.