Bookish Tag Post: The “Longest Book” Tag

Bookish Tag Post: The “Longest Book” Tag

Don't worry, this isn't a book tag that's really long, it's just a tag about long books ;-) In fact, it's actually a really quick and simple tag! Here's what you do: 1) Make a list of the 5 longest books you've ever read 2) Select 2 of the longest books on your TBR 3) Discuss 4) Tag others Ta da! That's it. I was tagged by Wren @ For the Love of Books, the original is from Bewitchingly...
Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Authors I’ve Read the Most Books From

Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Authors I’ve Read the Most Books From

So apparently I had a lot more author favoritism when I was younger. It's not that there aren't any authors I love now, it's just that nowadays a lot of the authors I read write shorter series or don't have a lot of books out. And those who do, well, their other series don't seem to interest me. (Or they're still working on a series and I'm secretly cursing them in my head for making me wait.)...