Update: Life and Books (Sep 2020)

Update: Life and Books (Sep 2020)

Well, September is over. It's been another tough month. Probably for everyone. I've had a lot of headaches and worries, but I'm gonna try to focus on some positive things for this post. I played some games! If you saw my review of Overland, then you already know how much I've adored it. Since finishing my first playthrough, I've been trying to find all the landmarks and overlooks, just because...
Cover Characteristics: Book Covers featuring Flowers

Cover Characteristics: Book Covers featuring Flowers

Since I'm posting this on Easter, I wanted to do something slightly-but-not-overly Easter-y. This holiday makes me think of spring, which makes me think of flowers, so here we are, book covers featuring flowers! Honestly flowers are just so pretty on their own that I didn't have to try too hard to find pretty covers that featured them. These covers aren't the style that I usually end up with...