*I received an ecopy of this book via Edelweiss. This has not influenced my review.*
This was delightful!
The art was wonderful. So crisp and colorful with a great style. I especially loved Uriel’s big, expressive eyes. And the way singing was portrayed through a visual medium was really cool. Colors were also used in a fun way, each main character having a color that corresponded to them. I really enjoyed the art.
And the characters were all such snazzy dressers! This is part of the fun of the art but deserves its own paragraph. I loved all the fancy, historical-esque clothes. The long flared jackets and big sleeves and tights and whatever those shoes are called.
The story was great and creative! It surprised me, and that’s all I’ll say about that in order to avoid spoilers, so that it can surprise you too. There was one thing I didn’t quite understand, and I’m not sure if it was me or the story, but it’s fine as long as you can just roll with some things.
Most of the characters were kind. The friendship and family were sweet. And there’s a cute little budding romance (though that isn’t shown too much). Between all of that, definitely some moments that made me say awwwwww.
There was queer rep since there were clearly some feelings between two boys, but also it didn’t feel like there were any rigid gender rules. I loved that.
I loved all the pretty, slightly ominous fae and ghosts and magic. The lore that was involved in the story, for lack of a better word, was so fascinating.
This is not actually important, but I liked it, so I’m mentioning it anyway… *SPOILER* As soon as I saw Mr. Kelly, I was like, *gasp* “Why is this random man so beautiful, and will there be more of him??” And then, well, it made sense why he had such an ethereal beauty. Even when he was all sneezy and human. Also, I loved both of his forms! *END SPOILER*
Overall, this had me captivated from start to finish. Both the story and the art were delightful!
Recommended For:
Anyone who likes sweet MG/YA, graphic novels with crisp and colorful art, music, ominous fae and magic, and creative fantasy stories.
This sounds so fun and “snazzy clothes” is a cute detail.
Karen @For What It’s Worth
It was so fun, and I really want their clothes, they all looked so cute lol.