Cover Characteristics: Book Covers featuring Skulls

Cover Characteristics: Book Covers featuring Skulls

Alright, guys, I admit I had to throw this post together rather quickly, so I didn't get to look through a whole lot of covers, but I'm still pretty happy with what I found. I ended up reusing a few that I've used for other topics, but, in my defense, they really are great covers, so they deserve to be used more than once! And I love when we get topics that are perfect for urban fantasy books, so...
Cover Characteristics: Book Covers featuring Hands

Cover Characteristics: Book Covers featuring Hands

Wow! There are A LOT of gorgeous book covers out there that prominently feature hands on them. I had a ridiculously hard time narrowing down my choices, so I can definitely see this being a topic I do a part 2 for---there are so many more covers I still want to share with you all! But, as usual, I somehow managed to choose just ten ;-) and I don't have a whole to say about hands other than they...