Graphic Novel Review: Letters for Lucardo Vol. 2 by Otava Heikkilä

Lucardo's father is attempting to end Lucardo's relationship with the aging mortal scribe Ed, but Lucardo isn't going to sit back and let him. Lucardo plans to find Ed and then figure out a way that they can be together for however long they may have.

Graphic Novel Review: Letters for Lucardo Vol. 2 by Otava Heikkila | reading, books, graphic novels, fantasy, lgbt+
Title: Letters for Lucardo Vol. 2
Book Number: Volume 2
Pages: 152
My Rating: 4 Stars
More Info: Goodreads, Amazon, Publisher


*I received an ecopy of this book via Edelweiss. This has not influenced my review.*

I was excited to jump into this one ASAP after finishing the first volume, and it was just as great!

There was even more emotion in this one for me than the first. Sadness. Happiness. Moments of awwwww. I’m trying to remain spoiler-free, so I’m keeping it vague, but I felt for these characters.

The relationship/romance was super cute again. Ed and Lucardo really are so cute together, and I feel like we got to see more of their relationship outside of the sex this time. (There was still some sex though, and it was still lovely.) They have such a caring and healthy relationship, aside from that one blip of Ed not talking to Lucardo about things.

Also, again, I want to mention how nice the diversity/inclusivity is in this series and how it breaks that common trope of immortals dating teenagers by instead being about an immortal dating a 61-year-old.

And of course this one had the same black-and-white but pretty and clear artwork.

I’ll admit I’m still a little unclear about a couple things. I’m fairly certain this is set in a fantasy world, but we haven’t been given much info about it beyond there being a Night Court, a Day Court, and a Dark Lord. Also, the characters never use the word vampire, but the blurb does, so I assume that’s what the immortals are, even though they’re maybe not the most typical portrayal. So I wouldn’t mind some clarification on these things, but it’s not a big deal since the focus of these graphic novels is on the romance and characters.

Also, these books do end in cliffhangers! I want the next one already!

Overall, this was another lovely, inclusive, sexy, sweet, unique fantasy graphic novel about a relationship between an aging human and his forever-young immortal lover, and I’m very much looking forward to continuing the series!


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Talk to me!

Have you read Letters for Lucardo Vol. 2 by Otava Heikkilä?
Have you ever read about an immortal dating someone past their young adult years?


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14 thoughts on “Graphic Novel Review: Letters for Lucardo Vol. 2 by Otava Heikkilä

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  1. Greg

    Sounds great. Nice to see an immortal/ mortal love affair that doesn’t include teens, or someone way too young, as you point out. And I love it when a graphic novel can really capture the emotions!

  2. Bookworm Brandee

    This sounds very unique, Kristen! I like the diversity/inclusivity element as well and then there’s the fact that the vamp (or immortal) is dating a 61 yo! Wow. I’m happy this installment left you equally, if not more, satisfied than the first. And I can’t wait to see your thoughts on the third. I hope your questions are answered sooner than later though. I find it interesting that the word vampire isn’t used in the story… Great review!

    1. Kristen Burns

      It is! I’ve never found a story about an immortal dating someone older before, so I love that. I might have to wait a while for that third book though since this one just came out!

  3. Olivia-Savannah Roach

    No, I actually have never read a book where the immortal age is kind of switched up like this! I still don’t know if I could DD: It’s just so much easier when their appearance is frozen at their youth and we just have to /believe/ they are however old they say they are xD Which is why I think I could read this one if it wasn’t a graphic novel maybe, and I could imagine instead of seeing the images…

    … terrible of me, I know >.> Mostly just to do with my comfort level, I guess?

    1. Kristen Burns

      It is easy to forget when an immortal looks young that they’re not young, so having them date someone who looks significantly older is maybe a little jarring, but I really like it! You do you though 🙂

  4. Becky @ A Fool's Ingenuity

    Cliffhangers are the worst, but a great way to make you want to get the next one. I think it’s brilliant that is had an immortal with a 61-year-old in this, it’s creepy when you think of how we have these books with immortals dating teens. That kind of age gap is just too much. I hope you get some clarification soon on your unanswered questions, I hate when I’m left wondering.