I love reading about characters who have a hobby or something they're passionate about, especially when it makes a big appearance in the book. Usually these are things I don't know much about, so they're really interesting to me. And of course they add another layer to the character and help me understand them more. That's why I've compiled a list of ten books I've read about characters who...
I found this tag at Dinasoaur, the original is from the ReadingRealm booktube channel, and it seemed like a really good one since you don't have to have read any of the same books or even have the same taste as any other readers/bloggers in order to have fun with it. It's just all about titles! And I stuck mostly to titles of books I've read since I would've had too much choice and gotten...
So I saw this tag over at A Dance With Books, and it looked like so much fun I couldn't resist. It was originally created by The Writing Hufflepuff, and what you do is choose four books, then you use those books to answer the questions. (I recommend choosing books before you even look at the questions, that's what I did, and I think it's more fun that way!) Anyway, here's my Harry Potter life!...
A.K.A. 10 book quotes for nyctophiles, like me! You might not know this, but I love the night. I've mentioned before that the "Moonlight" part of my blog name is actually a reference to my love for the night rather than the actual moon. I've always been a night owl. Everything---reading, watching movies, working out, driving, talking (especially talking)---is just better after the sun goes down....
Jules, a wire walker, gets an opportunity to join a traveling circus with her family of performers, and she persuades them to take it despite the bad blood between her family and the Garcias, another family in the show. Jules just wants to follow her dreams to be like her wire walking idol, but strange, magical, dangerous things start happening, and Jules teams up Remy Garcia, the boy who's...
I am SO EXCITED about this week's topic! I mean, seriously: 1) Have you seen my bio? Even the mini one in the sidebar? 2) I used to do circus myself for a brief period of time---I even included a photo at the end! 3) I made this post even before I knew this would be an official topic because I just wanted to do this topic anyway. 4) Every single book on here came from either books I already own...
Wow! There are A LOT of gorgeous book covers out there that prominently feature hands on them. I had a ridiculously hard time narrowing down my choices, so I can definitely see this being a topic I do a part 2 for---there are so many more covers I still want to share with you all! But, as usual, I somehow managed to choose just ten ;-) and I don't have a whole to say about hands other than they...
We've gotta stop with these freebies--the indecision is killing me! But I kinda made the graphics for this post weeks ago and was too tired to change them, so... Disclaimer! I read mostly fantasy and sci-fi, so all of these tropes may not apply to other genres. They're also not all exactly tropes, but I had to choose a word or I'd just be calling them "things that annoy me" which makes for a...
I'll be the first to admit this was not an easy Top Ten Tuesday for me because I don't read a lot of popular series. I struggled for a bit, considered recommending books based on Disney movies, considered making a list just about a genre or general topic, considered going with something relating to vampires, then finally ended up making a list with all different books (...well, plus one TV show)...
I couldn't really think of a good title for this top ten list because it's a bit random. I just really wanted an excuse to talk about how much I love it when characters make fun of other characters for brooding and saw my chance. Don't judge me. We all have them though, the random, little things that just kind of tickle us inside, make us squeal, make us laugh out loud every time, make us mark...